Period Influence on Keto Strips: Understanding Hormonal Effects on Ketosis Measurement


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When you’re on the keto diet, you often want to know how many ketones your body produces. Using keto strips is a common way to measure this output and understand how deeply you are in ketosis. Since the goal of keto is to stay in ketosis for as long as possible, it makes sense to measure the ketone levels in urine.

The keto diet is trendy among women. Because of this, many women may wonder how their cycle can impact the reading on ketone strips. Does your period affect keto strips?

In this post, we’ll look at your period’s impact on the readings you see on keto strips.

What are Keto Strips?

Keto strips are small paper or plastic-based strips used to measure the output of ketones in the urine. There is a special chemical on the strips that changes color based on the level of ketones that are being output.

Keto strips are commonly used by people on the keto diet to ensure that they are in ketosis, which is a state where the body is using ketones for energy instead of fat. People with diabetes also use them to ensure they don’t enter a state of diabetic ketoacidosis.

To use a keto strip, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Remove a strip from the bottle without touching the test pad.
  • Dip the strip into a urine sample for a few seconds.
  • Shake off excess urine and wait for the strip’s color to change.
  • Compare the strip’s color to the chart provided with the test kit.
  • Match the strip’s color to the corresponding level of ketones in your urine.

For a state of nutritional ketosis, you’re looking for a reading between 0.5-3.0 mmol/L. If you are in this range, your body is in ketosis.

If you’re curious about where you can buy keto strips, here is one option:

How Does Your Period Affect Keto Strips?

Does Your Period Affect Keto Strips

As many women know, many changes occur in the body during the menstruation cycle. These include hormone changes, body temperature fluctuation, and cervical mucus changes.

Many people assume that this cycle can change the composition of urine. However, shedding the uterine lining doesn’t impact urine because urine is created in the kidneys and stored in the bladder. So this aspect of your period shouldn’t affect keto strip readings.

However, your period does cause hormonal changes that can cause certain hormones to be more present in urine output. This includes estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). This does slightly change the urine composition.

Because of the hormonal changes, keto strips may be less accurate when on your period. Often these changes result in lower readings on keto strips. Another cause is water retention and bloating, which can dilute urine ketones.

It’s also not uncommon to experience carb cravings, which could lead to you consuming additional carbs, but that is a separate issue.

In general, keto strips are not as accurate during your period, and you should not take the results as if they were as precise as other readings. You shouldn’t feel discouraged if the lessons are off. Keep doing what you have been doing, and take on additional tasks once your period ends.


Your period can affect the reading of ketone strips. This is caused by changes in hormone levels in the body, additional water retention, and bloating that can cause the composition of urine to change.

Testing during this time may be inaccurate and can often lead to lower ketone readings. You shouldn’t get discouraged if your lessons are lower during your period. This is pretty common. Many people have success on the keto diet without even measuring ketone levels.

Keep doing what worked for you off-cycle, and you should be fine. Continue to track your progress over the month, but don’t rely too heavily on ketone strip readings.