Keto Superpowers: The Top 12 Benefits Beyond Just Losing Weight


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In recent years, the keto diet has become one of the most popular ways to lose weight, mainly due to its proven results and presumably safe methods of shedding lbs. 

These days, it’s hard to have a day go by without hearing about somebody cutting out carbs or seeing adverts for keto snacks; however, you’ll find that not many TV ads and magazines discuss the other benefits of keto besides weight loss. You might be surprised to learn there’s quite a lot of plus sides to starting a keto diet

If you want to know more about how keto works for weight loss, check out that article, but for now, let’s look beyond that.

So what are the other benefits of a keto diet besides weight loss?

Good question.

Health Benefits of a Keto Diet Beyond Weight Loss

This guide will list how a keto diet can positively impact your lifestyle, physical health, and mental well-being.

The below benefits are proven effects of the ketogenic diet. 

#1 Abdominal Fat Loss

Many people are tempted by this diet because of the early stages of weight loss; a lot of the effects can be seen in an area known to be troublesome to shrink, the stomach. 

Stomach fat is different from the subcutaneous fat that gathers under your skin. Instead, fat around the abdominal area is harder to burn, so many men struggle to fight off what’s referred to as a “beer belly” as they age. 

This kind of fat accumulation around the middle is called visceral fat, which can affect the metabolic system and lead to inflammation, heart disease, and diabetes. 

Science has proven that people on a keto diet lose more fat from the abdomen than any other low-fat diet, decreasing their risk of severe health conditions caused by obesity. 

#2 Reduced Insulin and Blood Sugar Levels

Keto has been demonstrated to be a beneficial way of life for people living with diabetes, a condition that affects over 32 million people in the United States alone

When the body takes in fewer carbohydrates, insulin, and blood sugar, levels drop significantly. 

Keto has proven to help so much regarding diabetes that some people may even be advised to lower their insulin treatment by up to 50% within days of starting the diet.

However, this should be approached with caution. Talk to your doctor before making any drastic changes, and ask them about how to introduce keto into your life alongside your diabetes plan. 

#3 Increased HDL (Good Cholesterol)

HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein, good cholesterol, which combats bad cholesterol.

Interestingly, one way to increase HDL is by increasing fat intake and lowering the number of carbs you consume. 

One thing to be mindful of regarding this is that eating a high-fat diet for an extended period could begin to increase bad cholesterol, which is why some say keto is not a diet that can be sustained for many years, as it may lead to heart complications. 

#4 Reduced Appetite

One of the most challenging things with many diets is cravings and hunger pangs between meals, and this is usually because you’re not eating enough substantial food to make you feel full. 

On a keto diet, you eat mainly fat and protein, 70%-80% fat, and around 20%-25% protein. You can get your exact goals using a keto calculator.

Consuming these foods makes you immediately feel fuller for longer. However, within a few days of starting the diet, you’ll notice your appetite is significantly reduced, resulting in a natural calorie deficit. 

#5 Lowered Triglycerides 

Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood. It’s what the body uses for energy and plays a significant role in your general health. However, too much of this is high heart disease and pancreatitis risk. 

These fat molecules comprise two components, fatty acids and glycerol, a type of glucose, and the liver and our diet supply them. 

Studies have shown that a low-carb diet drastically reduces harmful levels of triglycerides, whereas a low-fat diet may cause them to increase. 

#6 Increased Energy

When you eat carbohydrates, it’s common to experience sugar crashes. This means while you might have a sudden burst of energy, you can quickly become tired and lethargic. 

When you decrease your carbohydrate intake, your energy levels tend to stabilize, your blood sugar levels remain low, and your body can access what it needs to burn energy, fat. 

This isn’t something you will notice immediately after getting into ketosis; it could take days or even weeks; however, once your energy levels are stable, they’ll remain this way for the duration of the diet. 

#7 Lower Blood Pressure

Although this is still being investigated, low-carb diets are thought to be an effective way of lowering blood pressure, which in turn can lead to a decreased chance of conditions such as heart disease, kidney failure, and stroke. 

Many people who have struggled with high blood pressure and participated in the keto diet have seen a significant improvement in hypotension

#8 Keto works well against Metabolic Syndrome

The benefits of the keto diet go beyond weight loss. One notable advantage is its ability to battle Metabolic Disorders, which include high blood pressure, excessive blood sugar, excess body fat, and abnormal cholesterol levels.

The ketogenic (keto) diet is distinguished by its emphasis on high-fat, low-carbohydrate foods. Keto can help manage blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure by limiting carbohydrate intake and encouraging the use of fat for energy. These are important considerations in managing Metabolic Disorder.

The keto diet improves insulin sensitivity by drastically reducing carbohydrate consumption and emphasizing fat as the primary energy source. This combination of features makes it a potent tool in the treatment of Metabolic Disorders.

Many people see considerable changes in these health indicators, lowering their risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. If you’re looking for a more holistic approach to Metabolic Disorder treatment, the keto diet is a promising alternative to consider.

#9 Keto Makes ‘Bad’ LDL Cholesterol Levels Better

Contrary to popular belief, the keto diet can improve ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels. While the diet does tend to raise LDL cholesterol, it usually results in a favorable alteration in the size and type of LDL particles.

LDL particles tend to become larger and less dense on a keto diet, which is connected with a lower risk of heart disease. Furthermore, triglyceride levels tend to fall dramatically, contributing to improved cardiovascular health.

While ‘bad’ cholesterol may slightly increase on keto, we must also examine the total improvement in the cholesterol profile. After all, the benefits of low-carb diets often include improved heart health alongside weight loss.

#10 Keto Helps Treat Various Brain Disorders

The ketogenic diet has shown tremendous promise in treating various brain problems. High-fat low-carb diet benefits include changes in brain metabolism, which results in better brain function and lower inflammation.

This is one of the most impactful pros of keto diet. One of its most well-established applications is in the treatment of epilepsy, particularly in cases where standard drugs have failed.

For many, the keto diet has considerably reduced the frequency and severity of seizures, giving them fresh hope and a better quality of life.

Ongoing research is indicating that the effects of low carb diet effects are its therapeutic potential for other brain-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and even certain mood disorders.

While further research is needed, the keto diet’s neurological benefits are strong enough to explore it as a viable therapeutic option.


It’s clear to see that there are many other health benefits to a keto diet besides weight loss. 

So whether your goals are fighting stubborn fat areas, decreasing your risk of health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, or simply wanting to balance your energy levels, a keto diet can also help towards many factors regarding your health and well-being. 

If you have health concerns, or conditions such as kidney problems, diabetes, or high blood pressure, it’s important to discuss any plans to change your diet with a medical professional.