Keto Diet Vs. Paleo Diet: Which One Is Better?


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The phrases “paleo” and “keto” diets have become commonplace in today’s health and fitness industry.

They predominate in health periodicals and social media debates because they provide diverse ways to enhance health and attain weight loss goals.

In this post, we’ll compare and contrast to help you grasp the similarities and differences between paleo and keto diets

What is the Keto Diet?

The Keto Diet focuses on eating plenty of healthy fats, moderate protein, and few carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are often our bodies’ principal energy source.

The Keto Diet, on the other hand, seeks to promote ketosis, a state in which the liver turns stored fat into ketones, which serve as an alternative energy source. The major goal of this diet is to achieve and sustain ketosis.

What is the Paleo Diet?

The Paleo Diet, sometimes known as the “caveman diet,” is based on the idea that eating foods available to early humans promotes greater health. It emphasizes avoiding modern processed and distributed foods, which are said to be harmful to human health.

Many advocates of the Paleo Diet avoid grains, legumes, processed sugar, most dairy products, and processed meals, making it more of a lifestyle choice.

Similarities between Keto Diet and Paleo Diet

keto diet vs paleo diet

You may be looking for healthy diets if you want to change the way you live. At the moment, Paleo and Keto diets are trendy. They both try to get you to eat less and pay more attention to what you eat. ‌

Here are a few similarities between the two:

1. Whole Foods Emphasis

Both diets advocate for a foundation of whole foods, which are unprocessed and rich in nutrients. Seasonal vegetables, meats, fish, and nuts are favored over ultra-processed foods.

2. No Grains, No Legumes

Both diets prohibit the consumption of grains and legumes, although the reasons differ. Paleo advocates this restriction based on the belief that these foods were not part of early human diets and may contain anti-nutrients like lectins and phytic acid. Meanwhile, Keto focuses on limiting carbs to induce ketosis.

3. Carb Caution

Keto and paleo diets warn against excessive carbohydrate consumption, albeit for different reasons. Keto stresses carb restriction to prevent weight gain, while Paleo believes that a low-carb approach mirrors the diet of our ancestors, which promoted overall health.

4. Avoiding Unhealthy Foods

Both diets advise steering clear of processed foods, refined carbs, and excessive sugar intake, all of which can contribute to various health problems when consumed excessively.

5. No Added Sugars

Added sugars are discouraged in both the Keto and Paleo diets. However, Paleo allows natural sugars like honey and maple syrup in moderation.

6. Healthy Fats

Both diets promote the consumption of unprocessed, healthy fats. They emphasize foods rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, and fish, which are beneficial for heart health.

7. Potential for Weight Loss

The debate of low carb vs. paleo diet for weight loss circles around restricting carbs. However, keto and paleo diets are popular for their perceived ability to facilitate weight loss. Short-term weight loss may occur with a low-carb, high-fat diet like Keto. The exact mechanism behind this weight loss varies, but it often involves reduced hunger and enhanced fat burning.

Differences between Paleo Diet and Keto Diet

The differences between the keto vs. paleo diet are

Paleo Diet:

  • The Paleo Diet emphasizes high-quality meals such as grass-fed beef, organic veggies, and wild-caught seafood.
  • In moderation, several starchy vegetables and fruits are permitted.
  • Encourages a well-balanced macronutrient consumption.
  • It may not be suitable for people attempting to achieve ketosis.

Keto Diet:

  • The keto diet emphasizes a high-fat, low-carb, moderate-protein diet.
  • Increases carbohydrate restriction to induce and maintain ketosis.
  • It usually entails more careful tracking of macronutrient ratios.
  • When sticking to rigorous ketosis, additional dietary fat is required to meet energy needs.

Which is Better For Your Health: Keto Vs. Paleo Diet?

keto vs paleo health

Consider your personal health objectives and lifestyle while picking between Paleo and Keto. The key to success is how well the diet matches your preferences and your ability to stick to it.

  • Meal Planning: Consider how well you can incorporate each diet into your regular life, particularly if you eat out frequently or travel frequently.
  • Professionals should be consulted: Seek advice from healthcare specialists and certified dietitians, who can help you adjust your selection to your specific requirements.
  • Be Consistent: Any diet requires consistency to produce results. Plan and prepare your meals, and work with professionals who may offer continuing assistance.

As Keto and Paleo share some dietary principles, they can be combined to create a holistic approach to nutrition:

  • Whole Foods Focus: Emphasize whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats.
  • Healthy Fats: Prioritize heart-healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, almonds, and avocados.

Quality Protein: Select high-quality protein sources like grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, and pasture-raised chicken.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Keto or Paleo Diet

It would be best if you considered the following things before deciding to go on a diet.

  • Determine first the reason for going on a diet. Ask yourself: Does the diet you’ve chosen fit how you live? Do you eat out a lot? Do you travel a lot for work? 
  • Consult with your medical providers, such as your doctor and a registered dietician, to determine which diet will help you reach your goals.
  • Remember that you’ll only keep seeing results if you stick to the diet. As with most diets, planning and preparation are key, as is continuing to work with a qualified individual who can assist you.

Combining Keto and Paleo Diets   

Since some parts of the keto and paleo diets are the same, like how they focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods and healthy fats, etc., they can be combined! Here are some easy ways to put them together:

  • Aim for whole foods: The keto and paleo diets suggest eating whole, unprocessed foods. Eat many fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats.
  • Focus on good fats: The two diets have much in common, including a focus on heart-healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, almonds, and avocado. These fats are crucial to the success of both diets because they aid in satisfaction.
  • Choose a protein source of higher quality: The paleo diet focuses on good protein sources, like grass-fed beef, fish caught in the wild, and chicken raised on pasture. On the keto diet, you eat moderate protein, which is still important for keeping your muscle mass. Choose good sources of protein that fit both diets.

Side Effects and FAQs

  • Side Effects: Switching to a standard Paleo diet is typically easier than achieving ketosis. Entering ketosis can result in side effects like “keto poop,” which can be mitigated through strategies like hydration, salt intake, increased fat consumption, and alkaline supplements.
  • Weight Loss: The extent of weight loss on either diet depends on various factors, including starting weight, adherence, activity levels, and overall caloric intake.
  • Healthiness: Both diets can be healthy when followed correctly, with a balanced nutrient intake that aligns with individual needs and preferences.
  • Choosing Between Paleo and Keto: Consider your health goals, medical history, dietary preferences, lifestyle, and financial situation when deciding between the two diets. Consulting with professionals can offer valuable guidance.


Finally, the Paleo and Keto diets emphasize full, nutrient-dense meals while discouraging processed and refined carbohydrates. Their approaches to carbs and macronutrient ratios, however, differ.

The decision should be based on your individual goals, preferences, and health concerns. Seek expert help to discover the optimal diet for your specific needs.